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by Steve


为什么在制作产品时应该专注于愿景,价值,风险和先例 (Why you should focus on vision, value, risk, and precedent when making your product)

几周前,产品开发人员John Cutler发表了一篇出色的文章,名为《 。 (A few weeks ago, the Product Developer John Cutler published an excellent post called to ask.)

You should check it out. And read on.

你应该检查一下。 继续阅读。

As an Agile Coach, I frequently train Product Owners away from their traditional behaviours and I took a keen interest in the list of questions because it was not theoretical.


It was a legitimate tool to drive hard but valuable product conversations. The more I studied it, the more I could see a few patterns forming; every question could be distilled into one of four categories.

它是进行艰难但有价值的产品对话的合法工具。 我研究得越多,就越能看到一些模式的形成。 每个问题都可以归纳为四个类别之一。

  • Vision: The faculty of being able to see; to think or plan about the future with imagination

    愿景 :能够看到的能力; 用想象力思考或计划未来

  • Risk: Exposed to harm or loss

    风险 :遭受伤害或损失

  • Precedent: An earlier event that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.

    先例 :较早的事件,在以后的类似情况下被视为示例或指南。

  • Value: Estimate the worth of

    价值 :估算价值

By categorising your questions we can deduce a lot about you product.


您有关Precedent&Vision的大多数问题已得到回答 (Most of your questions about Precedent & Vision have been answered)

This most commonly occurs when an entrepreneur or a product owner has a track record of success and has just been struck with a bolt of inspired lightning, or, more dangerously, is reacting emotionally to market events.


This product often uses and is not supported by a strong risk management profile or a value proposition. The product or service will throw large amounts of investment into marketing to try and justify the Vision as unique.

该产品通常将 ,并且没有强大的风险管理资料或价值主张的支持。 该产品或服务将投入大量资金用于营销,以试图证明Vision是独一无二的。

Any challenges will be waved away as not understanding the founder’s dream or not thinking far enough forward. A benefits case will often be hugely ambitious referencing large swathes of the market currently under-served. It is likely, the product will refer to a market that doesn’t even exist at present. It is highly unlikely to pass due diligence but will rest on the charisma of the Product Owner.

如果不了解创始人的梦想或没有足够深远的思考,任何挑战都会荡然无存。 福利案例通常会涉及到目前服务不足的广阔市场而雄心勃勃。 该产品可能会针对目前甚至不存在的市场。 通过尽职调查的可能性很小,但将取决于产品所有者的魅力。

例子 (Examples)

  • Of course the music streaming service Tidal will be a success, Spotify is doing well and everything Jay Z touches is gold!

    当然,音乐流媒体服务Tidal将取得成功,Spotify表现出色,Jay Z接触到的一切都是黄金!
  • Theranos was best known for its false claims to have devised revolutionary blood tests that used very small amounts of blood.


您有关风险和先例的大多数问题已得到解答 (Most of your questions about Risks and Precedent have been answered)

This type of product demonstrates a tentative approach by the Product Owner. It could be that within a startup the company is bootstrapping or a consultancy is seeking to build a relationship with a client. It is best described as where a team progress towards a goal using the proven route. This worked in the past, we completely understand the risks, let’s not deviate too much from the norm.

此类产品展示了产品负责人的尝试性方法。 可能是在一家初创公司内部,公司正在自举,或者咨询公司正在寻求与客户建立关系。 最好形容为 团队使用成熟的路线朝着目标前进的方向。 在过去的工作中,我们完全理解了风险,我们不要偏离标准太多。

The danger with a Risk-Precedent model is that you produce Microsoft Word 2007followed by Microsoft Word 2010. If you are not the market incumbent then it can be very hard to displace the current champion with a strategy based on Risk management and Precedent. In the words of Walter Gretzsky to his son; don’t skate to where the puck is, skate where the puck is going to be.

先行风险模型的危险在于,您将产生Microsoft Word 2007,随后是Microsoft Word2010。如果您不是市场上的老大,那么采用基于风险管理和先行者的策略来取代当前的冠军可能非常困难。 用沃尔特·格雷茨斯基(Walter Gretzsky)的话对他的儿子说: 不要滑到冰球在哪里,要滑冰在哪里。

In European football we prize forwards who can predict the flow of play and make space for themselves to capitalise on opportunities. We expect a certain level of confidence and prescience in the player to predict the future and move to meet it.

在欧洲足球比赛中,我们奖励那些可以预测比赛流程并为自己把握机会的空间的前锋。 我们期望玩家有一定的信心和前瞻性来预测未来并朝着未来迈进。

The team at Ia Writer had to trust in their Vision that the additional toggles and features of a typewriter program did not offer additional Value. They broke precedent to capitalise on a new market sector; minimalist writing apps and distraction-free productivity.

Ia Writer的团队必须相信他们的愿景,即打字机程序的其他切换和功能不会提供额外的价值。 他们开创了利用新市场领域的先例。 极简的编写应用程序和无干扰的生产力。


  • You know what is better than CCleaner 2.31? CCleaner 2.32!

    您知道什么比CCleaner 2.31更好吗? CCleaner 2.32!

您的大多数问题“价值和愿景”都得到了回答 (Most of your questions Value and Vision have been answered)

This type of product has a strong vision and value profile which generates confidence. The cliche hallmark is a young teenage/hacker who can see the future and is frantically coding towards that goal.

这类产品具有很强的远见和价值特征,可以产生信心。 这个陈词滥调的标志是一个年轻的青少年/黑客,他可以看到未来,并且正在为实现这一目标而疯狂​​。

The Zuckerberg Effect. Or, for those older, the Tom from Myspace effect. Or for those even older, the Bill Gates effect. Or, the Alexander Hamilton effect since he was only 21 when he signed the Declaration of Independence. True story.

扎克伯格效应。 或者,对于年龄较大的人,使用Myspace的Tom效果。 甚至对于年龄更大的人,比尔·盖茨效应。 或者,亚历山大·汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton)签署独立宣言时只有21岁,因此产生了影响。 真实的故事。

This sounds fantastic! What are the drawbacks I hear you say?

听起来很棒! 我听到你说什么弊端?

Ultimately, we cannot avoid the grown-up activities of good risk management and due diligence. Every project management framework encourages the team to review past projects to give the team the greatest chance of success.

归根结底,我们不可避免地要避免进行良好的风险管理和尽职调查。 每个项目管理框架都鼓励团队回顾过去的项目,从而为团队提供最大的成功机会。

Attempts to de-risk can seem stifling to a product team excited by a Vision and supported by a Value statement but hubris can have terrible side-effects. In military intelligence we counter this negative approach by using the . The first question is always

受到Vision激励并获得Value声明支持的产品团队似乎难以承受降低风险的风险,但自负可能会带来可怕的副作用。 在军事情报中,我们通过使用“ 来对付这种消极的方法。 第一个问题总是

What is the enemy doing and why?

The reason we prioritise this question first is because the other 6 questions are about our Vision and the Value of the operation, they are plans; but none of that will be important if the enemy completely counter our actions or surprise us. We risk manage before we execute.

我们之所以优先考虑此问题,是因为其他6个问题与我们的愿景和运营价值有关,它们是计划; 但是,如果敌人完全反对我们的行动或使我们感到惊讶,这些都不重要。 在执行之前,我们会冒险进行管理。

Risk Management is the mark of a mature Product Team who have moved beyond wantrepreneurism.


您有关风险和价值的大多数问题已得到回答 (Most of your questions about Risk and Value have been answered)

This situation arises when a company is producing derivative products; they use lagging indicators from the market and quantitative data to drive product decisions. Pepsi Max was a success so we will develop Coca Cola Zero. The product is characterised by a lack of a Vision or strong original concept.

当公司生产衍生产品时就会出现这种情况。 他们使用来自市场的落后指标和定量数据来驱动产品决策。 百事可乐(Pepsi Max)是成功的,所以我们将开发可口可乐零。 该产品的特点是缺乏远见或强烈的原创概念。

The team without a Vision that can talk authoritatively about Value and have an excellent risk management strategy are producing a derivative product.


There is no shame in that. Maybe they are bringing a product to a new geographic market. Or they have cloned a competitor product.

这没有什么可耻的。 也许他们正在将产品带入新的地理市场。 或者他们已经克隆了竞争对手的产品。

There was a point in my first startup, Wallept, when we were pitching investors after a successful run in the European accelerator Startup Bootcamp. The founder and lead developer proudly stood on stage and displayed a gorgeous electronic loyalty application. It let you ditch loyalty cards in your wallet for a single application.

在我的第一个初创公司Wallept的一个意义上,当我们在欧洲加速器Startup Bootcamp成功运行后向投资者推销时。 创始人和首席开发人员自豪地站在舞台上,展示了精美的电子忠诚度应用程序。 它使您可以将钱包中的会员卡扔掉以进行单个应用程序。

The VC’s blinked. Then one raised his hand.

VC闪烁。 然后一个人举起了手。

There are 500 startups around the world doing the exact same thing…
30 of them in London alone.
How do I invest in you guys?

We didn’t have an answer. There wasn’t one. We were a derived product with no unique IP, no rock star coding team, no track record of success and no flourishing customer list. Our product was based on the Value of the market and even our risk management profile was weak.

我们没有答案。 没有一个。 我们是一个衍生产品,没有独特的IP,没有摇滚明星编码团队,没有成功的往绩,也没有繁荣的客户群体。 我们的产品基于市场价值,甚至我们的风险管理状况也很薄弱。

We knew, deep down, Wallept was finished in the European and U.S markets.


The risk with a derived product is that sometimes the boat has sailed. Not every market has second mover advantage. Manifest destiny only worked for people who set off prior to 1850. After 1900 the winners were decided, everything after that was an inheritance game.

衍生产品的风险是有时船会航行。 并非每个市场都有先发优势。 清单命运仅适用于1850年之前出发的人。1900年后决定了获胜者,此后的一切都是继承游戏。

这一切都很棒,史蒂夫,但是我在现实生活中会做什么? (This is all awesome Steve, but what do I do in real life?)

If you can go through the 40 Questions supplied above and honestly evaluate your product for Value, Risk, Precedent and Vision then you will have a much greater chance of success whether you are launching from within a startup or within a billion dollar enterprise company.


( 是的敏捷教练,也是伦敦大学的客座讲师。 他还是@FreeCodeCamp的骄傲赞助商。 ( is an Agile Coach at and guest lecturer at the University of London; he is also a proud sponsor of @FreeCodeCamp.)

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